I bought mine from sears on clearance 25 years ago, still works great, so does brothers, Brothers is good if you want to start cheap and go up from there. check out wal-marts, they usually have several models. marrie
Any sewing machine that makes a nice straight stitch and a good 1/4-inch seam is all you need. My first sewing machine was a little $150 Singer from Fingerhut! I now have a higher end machine (Janome 6600), but that's because I do a LOT of quilting! Singer Featherweights are one of the best sewing machines around for making blocks, IMHO, because they're workhorses and sew beautifully. However, they can be a bit pricey to start, since they're antiques. Go check out the Kenmores (at Sears) or the Brothers and/or Singers at Walmart. Just check online and see which ones get good ratings first.
Best of luck with your quilting. Just be prepared: it is VERY addictive and the fabric literally takes over your entire HOUSE!
You might try Goodwill too. I see machines pass through there quite frequently. Our store will let you plug it in and try it first (take a few squares of fabric with you so you are ready). Lots of good stuff ends up there after families go through the house after a loved one passes - they can't/don't want to keep it all.
I am one of those who have purchased this machine and I am happy with the way it performs.
I also agree with the other poster.....if you are limited on funds and can't afford the flex-pay that HSN offers, check out the thrift stores and craigslist. I bought a nice computerized brother on there for $125.
Best machine I ever had was a Singer that I bought used for $25 in about 1963, one of those old fashioned looking black ones. Lasted over 30 years, and I made most of my own clothes and curtains. Like anything else, they don't build them like they used to. But then, it did not even have zigzag, and the buttonholer was an attachment.
I have a Kenmore I have owned for about 10 years that has not given me any problems. Has a needle threader, which has become a necessity.
I have a White sewing machine that is supposed to be a quilting model. But there is a small lip on the plate that my seams get caught up on when I am sewing quilt strips. Any good sewing machine will work....just make sure that it has a good flat plate (area around the needle). I personally prefer the simple models, but I am a simple person.
My mother had a White for many years, and it was a good machine, but became useless when a needed worn out rubber part was no longer available. I don't think White even exists any more.
Goodwill is an excellent idea... if they will let you plug it in and try it. There are a lot of machines out there that don't work worth a hoot. I inherited two that went to the dump.