Sex link bantams?


12 Years
Jul 20, 2007
I think I may have created sex link bantams by chance.
I got the eggs from a friend down the road. This was my 1st time incubating.
He has two bantams in a pen.
A BB Red Rooster
A barnyard hen.

All the chicks are either a fuzzy tan color, or striped like RIRs.
I'm wondering if one color is roos and the other pullets?

Here is a pic of 5 of them.


And here is a closer pic of a striped one.

I am not to sure about chicken genetics but are you the hen did not mate with another rooster at any point? Did he say they were from those chickens?
You can have mixed genes that result in mixed chicks from the same pair of birds that are not necessarily sex linked. You'll have to grow them up and see.

There are some known gene factors that are sexlinked, like barred females against like a red male, but not all color traits are sex linked.
wouldn't it be wonderful if you have sex linked bantam egglayers? (especially since hatcheries don't sex bantams) I guess the only way to know will be to let them grow up and keep track. Keep us informed.

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