Sex-Link breeding help...


5 Years
Apr 1, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
I have kept chickens for years but I have never messed to deeply in the genetics side of it all. I recently obtained 2 Barred Plymouth Rock Pullets. What will it take to have sex-linked offspring from these girls? I also have a few sex-link hatching eggs coming in a couple days. So I may have a couple of each sex out of those. This genetic stuff can get pretty confusing so any help made simple would be much appreciated.
Pretty much any rooster that isn't white or barred over those girls is going to give you black sex links. However, the sex link eggs you are receiving cannot be used in future generations to make more sex links.
So if I get a roo from these sex-link eggs I can't breed it to my barred girls and get sex-links?

Also with the risk of sounding stupid, why not a white roo? The only roo I have right now is a white Sizzle.
To avoid getting technical, a white bird may or may not be carrying dominant white, which messes up the sex linking. So it is possible to use a male if he does not carry dominant white, but there is no way to know if he does unless you really know his background. And yes, you cannot use a male sex link if your eggs are black sex links because a male black sex link is barred. If they are red sex link eggs, then the male could carry dominant white depending on the cross, which can be a problem.

Edited to add in case you didn't know, you can't breed sex links together to get more sex links either. It's a one time cross deal :)
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No matter what you put him over the offspring will never be sex linked. It is a one time deal as a result of the original cross. If you want to have birds that are sex linked generation after generation you need to get an autosexing breed like rhodebars or legbars.
Ok that is what I am trying to learn. The auto sexing breeds need to be crossed with each other to have auto sexing chicks correct?

Can I cross a Legbar with another breed and get sex-links?
Yep, autosexing breeds need to be bred to themselves for the autosexing to carry on. As for whether you can use them outside of their breeds to make sex links, I know the males won't work for black sex links because they're barred and probably not for reds either because I doubt the carry the correct genes for those crosses. The hens I'm not sure of. They are barred, so you might be able to.
The market here is mostly urban and the laws don't allow for people to have males over the age of 3 months. So almost everyone wants females only. I am trying to get myself to where I can easily provide that. I am also trying to get better with vent sexing but that is not always the easiest.

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