sex link help for newbie


11 Years
Sep 24, 2008
I raise Buff Orpingtons and want to cross them with another breed to produce sex linked chicks. I know nothing about the genics, so sorry if this is a dumb question. I just want to be able to sex the chicks at birth. What breed can I cross with my current Buffs to get this and come up with a respectable egg layer?


You could cross a Buff Orp rooster over a Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans hen. All the cockerels will be barred and the pullets will be a more or less solid color, I believe. Ive had several different crosses of Barred Rock hens with different roosters and it's always that way. I think you could tell the sex at hatch by color of the down, too, but someone may have to confirm that.

Thank you very much!! That actually makes things easy. The Barred Rock is my wifes favorite!!!

Any chance a cross with a Deleware would give the desired result? My neighbor has some and would give them to me. Now thats MY favorite kind of chicken .... FREEE!!!

Steve...I think your right!!!! I read that post 3 times then needed a beer.

Thanks for the help guys... I will keep to my Aerospace Engineering. Its much easier than the genetic make up of chickens.
Yeah, you see I wasn't involved in the other one, LOL. I just know about Barred Rock hens passing their barring to their sons. Had some Silver Phoenix/BR, EE/BR, Cochin/Silkie x BR. All same deal with the barring. Has to be the hen that is barred, though, for sex linking. The barred rooster will pass the barring to all the chicks.

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