Sex linked barring- is my sweet little SHE actually a HE?


In the Brooder
Feb 23, 2020
Had an issue my first time incubating eggs and only ended up with one chick out of 10 eggs. I had a mix of eggs from Red cochin, Dominique, and Buff brahma. All bantams and all from my Buff brahma Roo. Also bantam. Now I figured my one surviving chick from BB roo and a Dom hen was female due to the fact that the white dot on the head was small and compact (just as you would sex a dom) but after reading into barred cross breeding, its starting to look like my chick is a male? I can include photos if needed but the chick was all blackish grey with a very small and compact white dot on the top of the head with feathered feeties.. Its 3 weeks old now. Was hatched Feb. 3rd and its feathering out black/white barred but also not as defined and clean as my dom hens are. I was so sure it was female due to how the tail grew in rather quickly and evenly but I guess I was wrong and its a male?
Ugh. I am frustrated and bummed :(. Because this chick was the only survivor I've basically kept it in my room at night and really just as close to me as possible for the last 3 weeks so it wouldnt be lonely and now the chick is VERY attached to me as I am it :(. I'm not sure i can keep another cockerel and prior to hatching I had a plan for the potential males but now im so bonded with the chick that im not sure I can re home it. Will someone please explain the sex linked barring to me so can know if the chick is male or female? Im sorry if this sounds stupid to some of you also.. I am fairly new to chickens. Thank you.
If the hen was barred and the rooster wasn't, and the chick is barred, then yes, it's definitely a male, sorry :(
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