Sex links.


8 Years
Jan 25, 2011
N. E. Alabama
My understanding is, breed 2 different types chicks and when they hatch the color of the chick indicates what sex the chicks are.
If this understanding is correct, then if we breed a white leghorn and a RIR. will the pullets be red or white, or some other combination?
thanks, we are thinking about setting a hen and would love to cross and be able to tell the roo's from the hens.
uhhhhmmm no. sex linking does not work this way. sometimes you may stumble across a sexlink that you "made" mixing purebreds but not like that.i bred a New hampshire red to a white leghorn and got what looks like the california whites. no sexlink. white rocks crossed with rirs in some form WILL produce a sexlink but youll need to figure that out cause imm not so sure.
If you do a search on hear about sex links you will find some posts that say if you breed what to what to get sex links. I was wondering about what you need to make them too and find the answer doing a search.
There are more sexlinks than I first realized, I'm sure that your search of this forum will find them.

Some of the most frequently encountered are:

the RIR rooster to the RI White hen which produces a sexlink with reddish-buff females and whitish yellow males.
the RIR rooster to the Barred Rock female which produces all black chicks the females solid black and the males have a white dot on top their heads.
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