May 5, 2015 #2 SnowPeeOstrichU Songster 7 Years Jul 18, 2012 455 20 126 Pacific NW with 15 hens + 2 roos + 2 guinea hogs Any behavior differences? -Agression? -One is more flighty?
May 5, 2015 Thread starter #3 jrwebster Hatching May 5, 2015 7 0 7 Auburn al No both act the same. I just read on her that you can crest sex them but it isn't 100. % until they are older. Last edited: May 5, 2015
No both act the same. I just read on her that you can crest sex them but it isn't 100. % until they are older.
May 6, 2015 #5 BantamLover21 Crowing 7 Years Jul 24, 2013 23,660 1,616 426 They're too young to sex. I'd post some new photos of them when they're at least 6 weeks old.