

11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Montgomery Area
I guess there's no way of telling the sex of the chicken while it's in the egg, right? The reason I ask is, the online hatchery i'm looking at only has buff orpingtons available in fertilized eggs. I don't want any males.

No way while in the egg sorry. You could always give the Roos away or sell them cheap of you end up with Roosters.
Idk for sure, but I was always told that if the pointed end was real pointy, that it was a roo, and if it was more rounded it was a pullet...My dad said that he has set rounded end eggs under his hens before, and most all the chicks were pullets, so idk. Just an old wives' tale, it would be hard to know for sure.
Definitely not true. There is absolutely no way to know. I have a hen who always lays very rounded eggs. Most of her chicks have been cockerels. If that were true, hatcheries wouldn't have so many thousands of cockerels to dispose of daily.
If you could tell, and I'm sure lots of research funds have gone into it, big business and hatcheries would have already been doing it not only for the money that girls bring in, but also to prevent the need to dispose of milions of unwanted boy chicks.

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