Sexing 12 wk Wyandottes & BR


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
I got 6 sexed pullet chicks February 23. I have been sure 1 Wyandotte is a rooster, now I'm thinking one of the others is as well? 2 of the barred rocks are also looking a little long in the tail lately. First 2 pics are the same 2 wyandoyttes. Thoughts?


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Do you notice and pointy feathers around their necks and or saddle area?
I'd say with nearly complete certainty that at 12 weeks old those are all four female.
The wyandottes would have significant (4-5X what they have) waddle growth and combs and waddles would be deep red colored.
The barred rocks are also most definitely female. Male barred rocks have wider white bars than black, giving the bird a much lighter overall appearance. They'd also have huge, tall, red combs and big waddles.
Congrats on your girls.
Best wishes.
Don't the males of the SLW have different coloring too?
Pullets, SLW cockerels have patchier feathering and BR cockerels have whiter barring and they both have much bigger/redder combs at this age.
thanks! I was doubting the first SLW (facing left in the first pic) because of the tail feathers curling.. but they all have pretty long tails now. The feathers also keep looking more white to me. I didn't see pointy neck feathers, but they don't like me getting too close so it's hard to tell. They ran away when I tried to take photos.
You need a zoom lens. Pictures of the SLW are too far away (even enlarged) for me to see well ( I am old). The BR are pullets by their dark black barring and narrow white -can't see other details well but combs appear small.
Sometimes pullets get curvier tail feathers but then they moult out straight. At 12 weeks old they will be reddening up in their combs and none of them look to have huge combs or wattles like a cockerel would.

Here's our Butternut at 17 weeks old with her funny, curvy tail.

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