Sexing 4 week d'uccles


7 Years
May 27, 2012
So my d'uccles are roughly 4 weeks old now. It's fairly obvious that one of them is a cockerel at this point. But I am still holding out hope for the other. Someone give me reason to believe that I am not doomed to only get roos in straight run purchases for the rest of my life. Please?

This is the little cockerel. His name is Marigold. I might have to rethink that.

The one that I am on the fence about,or was, until I uploaded this pic.

But just for good measure, here are a couple more of her looking slightly more girly.

Its hard to tell at 4 weeks from pictures, but im leaning towards cockerel. but sometimes hens don't show their white until they are a little older. if it does turn out to be a cockerel, I may be able to find a couple extra hens toward the end of summer.
now that I take a second look, I question my judgement.
I know you don't want to hear this, but let her grow a little more, if it is a roo, I know I have one hen im parting with, and im sure ill have some extras raised soon.
No, no, no...Thank you for the offer, but if these are both roos I am unloading them on you. :p
I do think you have a pair. btw, you said you were "making a list of my birds". I have a hatch happening around the 29th with several of my bantams. if your interested in any, let me know so I can separate the breed if I have any of that breed hatching. I wont put my prices on here but im a little cheaper than tsc.
That'll be roughly the same time that my eggs are hatching. Once that happens, I'll be better able to tell you what I am looking for. With my luck I'll have a 'bator full of roosters and you'll have to start making a list. LOL
if you end up with an incubator full of roosters, drop the temp a half a degree. although there are other things that can cause it, mainly age of hen that laid the egg.

it seems you do have the worst luck with roosters LOL

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