Sexing 6 week old chicks


In the Brooder
May 19, 2020
Hello looking for some thoughts on these 6 week olds.
Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

Chick 5

Chick 6 leghorn barred mix

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Not as much red on #6. Leghorns grow up fast, by 10 weeks I always knew with them! They were crowing! A mix leghorn cockerel I would expect to be able to tell with a red comb @ 6 weeks. Does it act male? Chase other birds? Fight?
Not as much red on #6. Leghorns grow up fast, by 10 weeks I always knew with them! They were crowing! A mix leghorn cockerel I would expect to be able to tell with a red comb @ 6 weeks. Does it act male? Chase other birds? Fight?
Yeah #1 and #6 are the bullies of the group, #1 was an easy male but #6 has some pink and some tiny waddles coming in but the behavior says male to me
looks like you got lucky with a lot of girlies!
to me it looks like M F F F? F M?
but this is just my best guess. those are some hard ones!
That was my guess as well #6 is a tough one but the rest I think I’m pretty sure on
Yeah #1 and #6 are the bullies of the group, #1 was an easy male but #6 has some pink and some tiny waddles coming in but the behavior says male to me
They start acting like boys before they look like one. In you photo of chick #5 the white bird is standing over her like a boy, she has her head down. They know long before we do!
Hello looking for some thoughts on these 6 week olds.
Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

1 and 6 appear to be cockerels.. with other possible late bloomers that appear female currently.

In barred birds.. the males get double wide white bars compared to the females genetically. I find this to be variable in appearance though throughout the growing period and somewhat debatable or tricky.. perception dependent.. sometimes.. and have had females look slightly lighter than they should.

And yes.. some boys come out of the shell acting like boys in the first day! :eek: Those are some cute lil fellas. :love

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