Sexing 8 week old Ameraucanas?


Jul 19, 2016
I have 8 week old Ameraucana chicks. The combs are redder than the photos show. Any help in sexing is greatly appreciated.


here is a shot of #1's back


This last picture compares chick #1 to a third chick that I believe is a pullet due to her narrower comb and classic pullet feathering.


Those are both pullets.
Thank you for the welcome

Oh goody, I hope you both are right.

I was concerned as the first two chicks have broader combs and chick #1 has red patches showing on it's back.
I bought the chicks as vent sexed pullets.We have 3 votes for girls and one for a roo. If anyone else has an opinion, feel free to post. I will definitely post an update in a month or so with pics for anyone who is curious.

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