sexing and breed help? pics here ; )


11 Years
Sep 27, 2008
We're new to the backyard chicken business, and loving it. We raised 16 chicks from eggs, then kept 4 which the farmer was pretty sure are pullets. She thought 2 were purebreds.
Can anyone tell me (now that it's several weeks later) if they still look femalse, and which breeds so I can show my kids pictures?
Thanks you guys! I know these forums are a wealth of information!
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any guess about Cowboy Jack?
and do you think they're girls?
they are 5 weeks old.
Cowboy Jack could be a mixed brahma or he could be full buff brahma (hard to tell from that pic) and it looks like you may have named him right. Appears to be a cockerel from what I can see.
If Moonie is a barred rock (looks like it to me, not a cuckoo Maran probably with those yellow feet, but I'm not sure about traits for a Dominique), I'd say a girl. Does she have sooty color across the tops of her feet, the girls usually do.

I'd say Penelope is a polish too. If she doesn't start to have feathers growing over her eyes, blocking off her sight a bit soon, I'd say boy, but I'm not sure what age they start to develop those feathers.

I agree that Cowboy Jack looks pretty roo-ish to me, but I'm not sure on breed for him or Fluffington.
ah shoot!!!:mad:
we were so excited to learn the cowboy was a girl! it's hard to not get attached, this being our first time.
so maybe penelope too, huh?
thanks guys :|!
well, you're right...we actually had 3 roosters. i went back and switched them out, but she only had 2 possible hens for us. i'm a little disappointed, even after only 6 weeks of playing with them, we have become very attached.
thanks for your help!

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