Sexing BCM's and Buff Orphs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 10, 2009
Western North Carolina
Looking for some advice. I have 3 BCM's and 5 BO's that I hatched myself. They're about 5 weeks old. Are there any physical markers I can be looking for to know their sexes at this point?
You can show me a picture and I can tell you what I think on the BCM's.

According to UC Davis Veterinary Care Program.
Physical Characteristics (4-6 weeks of age)
a. Comb – The cockerels comb is medium size and pinkish, the pullets is small and yellowish.
b. Legs – The cockerel’s legs are sturdy and long, the pullets are finer and shorter.
c. Tail – The cockerel’s tail is stumpy and curved, the pullets is longer and straight.
d. Back – The cockerel has a thin line of stub feathers down the center of his back, the pullet has more advanced feathering along the center of her back.
e. Side of neck, flank and crop – The feathering in the cockerel in these areas is poorly advanced, the pullets feathering in these areas is well advanced.
f. Wing bows – In the cockerel the wing bows are bare, in pullets the wing bows are covered with small feathers.

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