Sexing Dark Brahma


7 Years
Jan 29, 2013
Nebraska Panhandle
I'm pretty sure my free "rare" chick from mm hatchery is a dark brahma. We call him Mad Eye Moody because one eye did not open all the way for 3-4 weeks.

I'm pretty sure this is a cockerel, but am really wishing that he is a pullet instead. Any thoughts?

Here he is at 7 weeks:

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Well, I think if he is a dark brahma, it has the coloring of a male. He doesn't have much red comb or wattle action going on for a 7 week old cockerel.
He always has been kind of "runty" and slower growing than the light brahmas. That said, even my light brahmas that I think might be cockerels don't have much more red or comb than this guy. I have a Blk jersey giant and a New Hampshire that are DEFINITELY roos, but these brahmas seem to be quite slow.9

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