I’m relatively new to the duck rearing community and hoping for some outside opinions on the gender of my ducklings. The Rouen has been quacking (honking) since two weeks of age and we’re pretty sure is female. The Pekin makes a whole series of squeaks, squawks and even screams if it’s ducky sibling is removed, but no quacks to speak of as of yet. I’ve included a picture and look forward to your thoughts.
I’m relatively new to the duck rearing community and hoping for some outside opinions on the gender of my ducklings. The Rouen has been quacking (honking) since two weeks of age and we’re pretty sure is female. The Pekin makes a whole series of squeaks, squawks and even screams if it’s ducky sibling is removed, but no quacks to speak of as of yet. I’ve included a picture and look forward to your thoughts.