sexing polish chicks??


6 Years
Aug 13, 2013
Rocky Mount VA.
My Coop
My Coop
im wanting to buy some white crested black polish hens to go with my roo....i know a woman who has can i tell which ones are the females so i dont bring my roo home a bunch of baby brothers....
i dont know how old the chicks are...she just said chicks...
If they are only a few days old, you won't be able to tell. If they are several weeks, you may be able to tell by the size and redness of the comb and wattles (as with most breeds) and also the females have round pom-pom shaped crests whilst the males have spikier, more upright crests. Males also have bigger feet and thicker legs as they get older (again this is true of any breed). Good luck. Whenever I get unsexed chicks I always get twice the amount I need, and I EXPECT that there will be some roos in the bunch, and just accept that I will have to rehome them later when I figure out which ones they are (or cull, eat, whatever you do with excess roosters).

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