Sexing Rhode Island Reds


May 8, 2017
FL - Florida
Ok so about 5 weeks ago, I bought some straight run chicks both RIRs, and white leghorns. I can tell the genders of the WL easily,but I'm having trouble telling on the RIRs. They all seem to look the same, and are pretty docile. Nothing about any of them 'scream' rooster to me, although my husband swears there's a rooster thats super agressive in the bunch. My question is how long did it take you before you knew what your RIRs were? Is there any tell-tale signs?

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I could tell right away on my RIR, as chicks the females had brown markings on their backs, males did not. Also the females grew tail feathers probably 1-2 weeks before males. At 5-6 weeks the feathering looked the same but males had a noticeably larger and redder comb. Females were still yellow comb. Mine came from townline, and happen to be easy to sex. Yours may just be more difficult. I had a BO rooster a couple years ago that had almost no comb and I swore it was a hen for several months.
I think my babies came from both McMurray and Hoover hatcharies. (I got some at Ace, and some at TSC) everyone seems to have red combs but theyre very small, almost non-existant. I havent thought about checking the markings on the back,that's a good idea.
There won't be any markings on the back at this time as that would have been in the chick down.

Many (not all) lines of RIR will almost be sexable with chick down as (usually) the females will have a full chipmunk stripe while the males do not. However the RIR is not an autosexing chick...there are exceptions.

Better is the comb color and size. RIR telecast pretty early. I generally could tell by 6 weeks of age. Any rooster had larger red comb while the girls had tiny tight yellow combs.

Posture and attitude generally don't mean much. I have had plenty of chest butting and snottiness among pullet chicks. Roosters do tend to be a bit more showy than the girls, and go at it longer.

If at 8 to 9 weeks you are having red in the comb, I suspicion rooster as pullets won't have reddening combs until point of lay, which is about 18 to 24 weeks depending upon the line.

Photos would really help identify gender. Full head shots of combs. The full body shots.

This is my feisty read that's acting like a rooster. She is one mean SOB, but so beautiful.
Yeah It must be in their genetics, everyone that has one in their flock says that they're the most aggressive.
Hi! I am a first time chicken owner and none of my (hopefully) hens have reached laying age yet. I think a few are coming close though and I want to get some opinions about their sex. Specifically the big RIR in these pics (although I am also curious about the barred rocks). Thanks in advance


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