My chick is 2 1/2 weeks. Pure salmon Faverolles but mom has some black in her beard. The black on the wings makes me think roo. But white ends I think pullet. Thanks for any input!
That’s what I was thinking. The experts will say wait till 5 weeks im sure. I actually want it to be a cockerel! This was the only fertile egg from my rooster that died. I thought auto sexing breeds were supposed to be easy to sex! Ironically the closest place what has Faverolles was selling out. And someone else said my chick was a pullet. So I bought another 4 week old cockerel and I’m in love with him. Maybe I’ll keep them both! I’ll upload a pic of my rooster at 4 weeks. The one that passed away. And my 4 week old cockerel. Crazy how they can look so different!
I’m a complete newbie to chicks so any guess I would make would be 50/50. Lol
I did want to say your chick is a cutie!
We have 5 Faverolles that are almost 2 weeks and I have no idea if any of them are Roos (I hope not as we can’t have any). Like you said, time will tell.