sexing silkie chicks?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 5, 2008
Is there any way to sex silkie chicks?
I have 25 of the cutest little guys/girls and was wondering if there was a way to tell which was which.
They're almost 3 wks old now.
Also, can they live with ducks?
Thanks so much.
I'm not sure you can sex silkies at a young age, you can wait till one crows, but the adult male's crest is more slicked back looking than the females.

I don't know if they can live with ducks. Silkies are supposed to be sweet, I guess it would depend on how the ducks act.

If you want your silkies really friendly, feed them out of the palm of your hand.
I can usually tell on most of them by about a month old or so. They will have heavier legs and bone structure, will usually be larger than their siblings? and the crest will be in a backward swoop. Some will keep you guessing a bit longer, but usually you can start to separate them at about that age. I think I have mostly roos out of my 15 chicks. I guess they are just the stronger of the species because they sure do hatch out here in large numbers.


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