Sexing silkies


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2017
Any guesses on this little one???
How old? Silkies are one of the most difficult breeds to sex before 4-5 mos. of age and sometimes not till they crow or lay eggs. All you can get early are guesses and they may not play out in reality.

Not showing any gender features at this time.
How old?   Silkies are one of the most difficult breeds to sex before 4-5 mos. of age and sometimes not till they crow or lay eggs.  All you can get  early are guesses and they may not play out in reality.

Not showing any gender features at this time.

Actually, there are several. Walks mostly squatted, is rather shy, not bold and 'in your face.' wings span most of body...rounded, not sharp feathers. Had an educated guess by the hatchery breeder, just trying to gather other opinions.
G’Day from down under chickiemama912

You might want to try on the Silkie thread also but will probably be told there that (s)he is too young to tell for sure:

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