Sexing Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Chicks


Whale Whisperer
Premium Feather Member
Apr 15, 2020
Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Everyone!

I know these guys are a little too young to be sexed definitively (at two weeks old), but I have a hunch about some and would love to hear the opinions of those who have raised them before. Some folks say you can tell sex of Wheaten Ameraucanas at 2-3 weeks. I will update the thread as they grow up and will let everyone know what they turn out to be :)

Chick #1 (Thinking Pullet - light neck feathers coming in)


Chick #2 (Thinking Pullet - also light neck feathers in addition to overall light body colouration)


Chick #3 (Unsure - hoping pullet as the neck feathers are coming in very light, unlike the other two I suspect are cockerels; more black on wings though)



Chick #4 (Thinking Cockerel)



Chick #5 (Almost Certainly Cockerel based on combination of behaviour and dark neck feathers)



Again, I know it's likely too early to tell for sure, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. Hope that I end up with a decent ratio given that I only hatched out five :) I'm sure all will become much clearer in the weeks to come.
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In a few weeks they will look totally different. I have some that are 5 1/2 weeks and they are starting to get red combs and I was told to look for blue or black feathers coming in on the breast. I’m still a little confused by the second from the left but pretty sure it’s a cockerel. But the one next to it and the two on the far right are definitely cockerel they are much darker.
Hi Everyone!

I know these guys are a little too young to be sexed definitively (at two weeks old), but I have a hunch about some and would love to hear the opinions of those who have raised them before. Some folks say you can tell sex of Wheaten Ameraucanas at 2-3 weeks. I will update the thread as they grow up and will let everyone know what they turn out to be :)

Chick #1 (Thinking Pullet - light neck feathers coming in)

View attachment 2169846

Chick #2 (Thinking Pullet - also light neck feathers in addition to overall light body colouration)

View attachment 2169848

Chick #3 (Unsure - hoping pullet as the neck feathers are coming in very light, unlike the other two I suspect are cockerels; more black on wings though)

View attachment 2169850

View attachment 2169852

Chick #4 (Thinking Cockeral)

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View attachment 2169864

Chick #5 (Almost Certainly Cockerel based on combination of behaviour and dark neck feathers)

View attachment 2169856

View attachment 2169854

Again, I know it's likely too early to tell for sure, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. Hope that I end up with a decent ratio given that I only hatched out five :) I'm sure all will become much clearer in the weeks to come.
I think #3 is a cockerel, but time will tell. I agree on the rest.
I think #3 is a cockerel, but time will tell. I agree on the rest.

Number 3 is an in-between so I'm holding out hope for a better ratio (but I know I have to be thankful for 2/5 being pullets as it could be worse when you hatch your own). I'll keep everyone posted with how they turn out! Thanks :)
In a few weeks they will look totally different. I have some that are 5 1/2 weeks and they are starting to get red combs and I was told to look for blue or black feathers coming in on the breast. I’m still a little confused by the second from the left but pretty sure it’s a cockerel. But the one next to it and the two on the far right are definitely cockerel they are much darker.
View attachment 2170295

Yours are beauties! I can't wait until mine feather out a bit more - hopefully it will be three pullets and two cockerels, but I'll take what I can get :)
So, the first chick is now getting a lot of blue in it's feathers (and some new ones around the neck are starting to get a darker reddish tinge like in males) so I'm starting to think it will be a blue wheaten cockerel. Hope I'm not down to just one pullet in this batch - seems I've won the roo lottery... I'll post updated progression photos in a week when the feathers have come in a little bit more.
Updated Progress Photos:

A lot can change in just over half a week! Wow. Things are becoming a little clearer, but I'm still far off from being able to tell decisive sex for the first three.

Chick #1 (Likely Blue Wheaten Cockerel - now starting to show true colours, three distinctive rows in pea comb)



Chick #2 (Likely Wheaten Pullet - no distinctive three rows in comb like suspected roos)



Chick #3 (Unsure - still holding hope that it might be a pullet with slightly darker coloration, but not sure - no distinctive three rows in comb)



Chick #4 (Wheaten Cockerel - distinctive three rows in pea comb, super dark feathering)



Chick #5 (Wheaten Cockerel - distinctive three rows in pea comb, super dark feathering + attitude)


So, I've been absent for a little bit, but thought I would post what they ended up being:

Chick #1 Blue Wheaten Cockerel - unfortunately we lost this one to a secondary infection a few weeks after the last photos

Chick #2 Wheaten Pullet

Chick #3 Wheaten Pullet

Chick #4 Wheaten Cockerel

Chick #5 Wheaton Cockerel

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