Sexing White Rock Chick


5 Years
Feb 1, 2014
North Greenbush, NY
Hello Plymouth Rock Breeders. I am new to chickens. This spring my family hatched an assortment of eggs. We were lucky to get a White Rock. Our Rock is now about 8 weeks old. Is there any noticible differences at this age, that would help to determine a pullet from a cockeral. Any info would be great.
Hi and welcome to BYC.

Yes, with most single combed varieties and Rocks in particular, look for red combs and wattles at week 5 or 6. Those will be your cockerels. Pullets don't grow red wattles until much later in their development, around 12-14 weeks.

Pullets combs remain buff or dull yellow until just before they mature. At six weeks, Rocks are very easy to sex.
Not a white Rock, but here are some six week old white Leghorns, which develop even faster. Can you spot the male in the middle of the photo? Look for the prominent bright pink comb and emerging wattles. The others are all pullets, except for the very dark chick against the wall, which is a male Rhode Island Red.


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