Shaken chickie syndrome


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
In my laundry room I had 3 hens, all sitting on eggs. One had 12 eggs which 7 hatched, one had 15 eggs which 8 hatched, and one had 7 turkey eggs which 1 hatched. Now out of the ones that did not hatch they each had a couple that were fully developed but either died hatching or never hatched. My DH is convinced that if I did not do laundry in the new washing machine that spins so fast that it shakes the house I would have more chicks.

Any ideas????

I think your DH is offering to hand wash the laundry just to get more chicks - WHAT a guy!

ETA: here is a trouble shooting for hatching eggs guide
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I've had 2 broody hens fight, roll eggs for the whole 21 days and all hatched...don't think that's the problem.
There could possibly be something to what he says, but I would think it would affect the eggs in the earlier stages not the later ones.

How hot is it getting in your laundry room during the day? Just now here in Florida it's hit 100 these last two days. Coupled with a hen sitting on the eggs I can see it getting too hot for them.
Yup, I was thinking the same thing- Heat and Humidity. I do wonder about the shaking, but hens do move eggs around (alot sometimes) but I would wonder about ambient temps,coupled with hens body heat amd humidity, then adding in the humidity and heat thrown off by the washer and dryer.

Hmmmm, maybe put a hygrometer in the room during your wash and dry cycles, near the hens, and see what readings you get.

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