She died

Half a dozen

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 12, 2014
My speckled baby that was much smaller and weaker from day one than the other two after 4 wks of love and care has died.
We opened the pop hole on sunday morning and my two larger 8 wk olds came charging down the ramp and started stuffing their faces like they always do, she did not come out. My daughter opened the door on the house and she was laying on the floor with her beak touching her chest and one leg sticking out and one tucked under belly. She was already stiff like she had died that night. We don't know what happened as it's not cold here at night now, so doubt it was that or don't know if one of the other two accidently jumped on her and squashed her or whether what was causing her to be so small finally got to her. I guess we will never know. I notified the breeder and she said she's sorry to hear it and she will replace her with another one free of charge when they're next in our area. I said ok thank you and could you please ensure I get one from the 8/10 week group as my girls are 8 wks now and very big and robust. I'm just annoyed as we knew she wasnt right from the day she arrived and i tried apple cider vinegar, poultry nutri drops, top grade food, a heat pad in the hen house and nothing saved her. Do you think the new one when ever that shows up will have issues being accepted by the other two? I've asked for the same age as them but don't want any pecking or her to be picked on. Any advice please how to intergrate her? I only have the one coop. Thank you
Sorry for your loss! It sounds like your baby had failure to thrive. Maybe some genetic issues. As for adding a new chick I would go with the look but don't touch method... I'm not sure if that's what it's actually called. Use a large wire cage or section off part of your coop for the new chick where the chickens can see each other, smell each other, but not hurt each other. It might also be helpful to get 2 new chicks. That way they will have each other for company. I would keep the new comers separate for a week or so then start letting them out for supervised visits with your current flock.
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I only have the one coop and one hen house, as pictured. I don't really want 2 more as the coop is only big enough for 3 large hens. That's why I got 3 in the first place. I have a small dog crate i could put her in inside the run but its only a 20inch one so too small for an 8 wk old hen the size of a sussex. What should i do with her at night? They are just for pets and eggs i only wanted 3 max.
They would probably all roost fine together at night. It's day time that you need to be concerned about. I have to admit I'm not an expert. Just telling you what works for me.
One more thought. I don't know how tall/big that space is under your hen house but it might do for a temporary pin. Just use chickens wire and make a small space for her. Put her up at night in the house to roost.
Hello :(

I had a chick (3 weeks old) who had a birth defect and suddenly died overnight. We did everything we could to help but it couldn't make it. I know how it feels :/
Thanks for the advice. I'll see what i can do when she arrives. I haven't heard back from the breeder as to when she's bringing another one. I hope it's soon.

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