Shiping from NY 12+ Bearded Silkie Eggs - SOLD - WINTER STORM


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
I will have 12+ eggs that need to be shiped Saturday..

Assorted colors, White, Blue, Splash, Black, Partridge.

Asking $ paypal that includes Priority mail with a tracking slip.
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Hi Mel,

Yep, figures..missed another bargin! that's what I get for paying bills before I logged onto the interenet...

Darn, I missed this too. I have an incubator. It's a homemade, used in my FIL's classroom--an oldie but goodie. Well used over many years.
Will keep watching....
16 spoilt chickens, 1 13yo rescue chicken-hound dd
Oh my gosh what a mess we have here.
I was sitting on the couch about 4 pm and out of no where there was a HUGE BANG I turned to see a car
coming threw my yard it missed the phone poll by inches and headed straight for my BIG pine tree.
Thank goodness they missed it by about a foot or there would have been serious injurys. The 2 young men were scared but OK, "POOR CAR" & "MY POOR YARD"
I am very thankful my house sits way off the road because 4 out of the 6 Winters we have been here we have had a vehicle plow through. One of these time though some one is not going to be so lucky.

Any way we have accidents all over and the Trooper said Sat would be even worse so I am not going to ship any eggs until Monday. Buffalo got 2 feet and we are expecting 14 inches tonight and into tomorrow afternoon.


I should have taken a pic of the accident but I was not thinking clearly. I even had my coat on inside out for an hour before I realized it. I must of looked like a real country hick. LOL
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Take care and nothing personal, but keep that stuff out there would ya?!?!

We are getting a little snow right now, but I am more than tired of this cold & snow and ready for warm & green!

Stay warm,

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