I am getting a box of replacements for some Ideal hatchery chicks that did not make it. They will be shipping them next Monday. They told me that since it was a small number, they would have to include extra "males for warmth". That's fine with me, since we're going to eat any extra roosters anyway, but now that I think about it...I'm betting those extras will be regular size, while the ones they are replacing for me are bantam. Is it normally ok to box them together? I worry about the big ones trampling the little ones. I already lost half the bantams I got in the first box, and they were crowded in there so tight they could not move, I could see that being a disaster with tiny bantams and big rooster packing peanut chicks. I don't want these to arrive dead and dying like the first ones! So, am I worrying about something that's not a problem? Do you think the hatchery would make the extras bantams also if I asked?