Should I Buy Indian Runners


11 Years
Jun 16, 2008
San Antonio Texas
I came across a local breeder and they had INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS FOE SALE all are Pure Black.
I think they cane from Meyers hatchery.

1 drake with 3 hens. 4 total ducks for $50 / $12.50 ea.

I don't know if I should buy them, What do you think

Should I buy Runner Ducks ?

What are the positive and negatives about raising ducks ???


Runners are great ducks.

They can be afraid of their own shadows, but their eggs are HUGE, they don't fly, and you laugh your head off watching them because they look so goofy!
I'd jump at the chance!

Ducks are just plan fun! They are messy with the water and all but still...
I'm sure others will offer their opinions but I'd say Yes go for it!
I just got them, I put them on hold, I am going to get them in a few days.

Thanks for your help.
I will try to post Pics soon.
josh44, I think you made the right move. I just got eleven (fifteen until my friend picks up her blues), six chocolates and five blacks, day-olds, and I am one grateful woman.

Take good care of those sweeties!
You won't regret it Josh - I agree they are afraid of their own shadow but my "Bonnie and Clyde" come home every night from the river and mill pond as soon as I call them... they now have a daughter who spends all day with them and all night with "Julia" my Muscovy who threw the egg across the nesting box as the baby was hatching and split the shell - they are great pals as the young Indian Runner sees Julia as it's Mum - they are noisy too ( well my females are) but extremely amusing running along the river bank and they swim very fast too! I hope to hatch more soon! So very pretty too - both males and females.
I am getting a runner next week. Everyone should have a runner.

She looks like my Campbell with a muddy bill...I am assuming she does stand upright?


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