Should I expect eggs or meat?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 11, 2014
Quinlan Texas
Can anyone tell what kind of chick this is? 5 were added to my order of Silver Sebrights for warmth. My guess would be a Red Broiler.
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X2, some sort of production red, maybe RIR roos as dark as it is, if you know what hatchery they came from you may be able to figure it out.
They were from Ideal Poultry. Almost 4 weeks old. Would rather have the eggs. Not too much into the butchering thing. That being said, I really hope they are hens.
Production Red. If it is a pullet (most extra chicks are cockerels), expect lots of large brown eggs!
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I got 5 so maybe I'll get lucky with one of them. I was already expecting to have to get the boiling pot out for them. It wouldn't hurt to add a hen to my Brown Leghorn and Dominique flock though.

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