Should I Vaccinate My Chicks?


Brooder Boss
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Should I vaccinate my chicks or should this be done by hatchery? I have been hearing folks talk about adding something to their water but am not sure what it is . Or if it is needed.
If you hatch your own, vaccinate them yourself. If you order from a a hatchery, have the hatchery do it. The common vaccines offered are Marek's and cocci. If always vaccinate for Marek's but not cocci. If you vaccinate for cocci, make sure that you use the unmedicated feed.
I am getting the from Orscelins a farm and fleet store. Don't know if they would even know or if it's just common practice
Some feed stores order them vaccinated, some don't. Ask the feed store. If you want vaccinated chicks, ask if you can make a special order and have them delivered with the store chicks. You can actually buy them at the farm store and vaccinate them yourself, however, there is no guarantee that they will not have been exposed to Marek's before you buy them. It is best to vaccinate as day olds or while still in the egg (yes, the hatcheries inject the eggs), but they can be vaccinated for Marek's when they are a few days older, but only if they haven't been exposed to the virus yet. For example, if you hatch them yourself and the vaccine you ordered from the poultry supply place gets there when they are 3 days old you can still successfully vaccinate if the chicks have been quarantined properly.

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