Show chickens?


11 Years
Oct 24, 2008
How can you tell if a chickens is show quality? I have Buff Orpingtons, RIR, a Cukoo Maran, a Light Brahma, and a Black Austrolorp. First off, are those good breeds to show at a fair, or are chickens like silkies and the other bantams better? Is there something special about a chickens that makes it 'show quality'? Should you wash a chickens before a fair? And if so, how do you do it? Sorry about all of the questions in one subject, but I'm really interested in showing!
If you got your birds through a hatchery, chances are, they are NOT show quality. Thats not to say however, that they would not do well at a fair as fairs are different than a sanctioned chicken show. Fairs are usually interested in production breeds, which are what the hatcheries sell mostly and the judge at fair will go by how filled out the bird is (for a meat variety) and how close to the point of lay one is (in a egg layer breed). It generally goes by body quality.
A sanctioned chicken show goes according to the Standard of Perfection (SOP) which are two books put out by the American Poultry Associatio and the American Bantam Association. This type of show does not want production birds, as it goes mostly by appearance of the bird rather than body quality.

So see, it really depends what kind of birds you have, and what type of show you are interested in showing in. If you want true show quality birds, you need to get them from a private breeder, not a hatchery like McMurray or Ideal. Be prepared to pay more for these birds, and that they will generaly be started birds and not chicks.

Your birds all sound fine for a fair, a silkie would work more for a sanction show, but if your fairs in your area do both kind of shows, they it could work there too. My county fair do not have "other breeds". If they do they are considered miscellaneous and are all judged together, and my judge here runs a egg farm, so, he admits, he knows nothing about the fancy show birds.

Yes, you should always wash your birds before a show, as a clean bird is better and will look better than a dirty one.
A show quality bird would fit the APA Standard of Perfection, and have no DQs. Any recognized breed can be shown in a sanctioned show, even some unrecognized ones, but you cannot win the show with them. If you're looking to show, you would be best off getting stock from a breeder who breeds to the SOP, you won't get SQ birds from a hatchery. Most fairs are not APA sanctioned, and allow even mixed breeds to be shown, I don't know the quality of your birds, but they'd probably be fine at one of these shows. Bantams are more popular than standards. Depending on the breed and how dirty the bird is, you may or may not wash them before a show. Many smooth feathered breeds do not need to be washed (such as moderns, cornish, oegbs, etc) unless absolutely necessary...other breeds (such as brahmas, silkies, and cochins) should be washed a few days before.

Here's a good site on washing birds...
Great! That site will really help! Do you recomend washing birds for practicing before a show so that you know what you are doing?
Does anyone get a newspaper called the POULTRY PRESS. Supposedly it's good for finding show birds.
It is REALLY good for finding showbirds!
I have tried for several months now to get the Poultry Press, but haven't had a chance. I glance through them at shows..and am impressed by the number of ads and quality of the birds being sold.

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