Showgirl Roo x sizzle hen? UPDATE! PICS!


11 Years
Feb 7, 2008
East Tennessee
If I cross this showgirl roo


with this sizzle (?) hen


Will I get showgirls?
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The chicks will be white.

Half will be naked neck and half feather necked.

Half will be dark skinned and half will be red skinned.

Half will be frizzle feathered and half will be smooth.

A good percentage could be silkie feathered since the 'Frizzle Cochin x Silkie cross' hen could be *carrying* the silkie feather gene.

They'll probably have medium-sized crests.

Now hatch some and tell us how they look.
If you have a couple of eggs to spare, I could use a white NNxSilkie cross (did I really just type that ????).

Good luck!
Well, I introduced them today, however, I will have to wait a couple of weeks for eggs to set, since she has been with my frizzle roo - She was originally with my White Jap roo and I collected about 10 eggs from that pairing and hatched them - she lays quite well. I don't know why I didn't pair these two earlier - duh! Is two weeks enuf time between roo's? Or more or less?

I have a black frizzlexsilkie hen that I am going to put with my other showgirl roo - the younger one. She is brooding about 30 babies - they take turns under her and also have a light at nite for warmth.
I have eggs coming (should arrive tomorrow) and they are White Sizzles. They are from SQ Stock, both Silkies and Cochins, so I am excited to see what they look like if they hatch. I bet they are pretty!

With a little luck I will have a dozen eggs to set in a week from the white sizzle hen and Showgirl Roo and a black sizzle hen (just like the white one) and the young Showgirl roo - don't know if their eggs will be fertile - this is his first mating! I do know both hens have about 20 chicks already this spring! So, nothing wrong with them!

I am waiting for my 10 silkie chicks to grow up so I can breed the hens to the Showgirls. I did not like the Showgirls when I first got them but they have grown on me! I really do like them - they are one of my favorite's.

I have never owned silkie's, how do you sex them? Wait till they crow!?

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