Shreaded Paper???


13 Years
Jan 24, 2009
Saint James/ Comfrey MN
I have access to ALOT of shredded documents and don't have the time to piece them all together to steal valuable information. (just kidding)

Has anyone used this as bedding? The price is right (free), but I am worried about the ink.
From what I've noticed when the newspaper gets wet and poo covered what you end up with is some really funky paper mache'. It'll stick to anything, including the chickens.
I have never used it so
I use shredded paper and shredded newsprint. I used the glossy ads several layers deep then top with lots of shredded paper. Some people here have said that they think its smellier than shavings, but I don't think my coop is very smelly (usually
) It's very easy to clean-just roll everything up. The only "problems" are that they get flattened quickly and if any get out of the coop the wind blows it around. I did check at first that the inks on the newspaper was soy ink. Now I don't think I care. The chickens don't eat it.

Imp-needs to clean coop soon, or there'll be a hen riot.
When I tried it, there were always big messes to clean up, no matter how frequently I changed the paper.

I use it under my chicks all the time. It does make a mess, I just keep adding layers upon layers, and when i am done with a batch it all goes on the garden! I use newspaper, but I dont know why that would make any difference.

And wow, it would be nice not to have to cut it all in strips!
Some wonderful BYC member suggested to me several months ago (I can't recall her name right now) to use a rotary cutter to cut the newspaper-works great. Better than tearing. I usually do abot 10 Seattle Sunday papers to change the entire coop, and follow up with about 4 more the following week. The only problem was that the rotary cutter is playing havoc with the cutting board. (It's ok since I'm using the old cutting board from before the remodel) I think since I only have 4-5 chickens and they freerange all day I don't have any problem with it getting wet or yucky. My coop is a rubbermaid shed and stays spotlessly dry inside. I think the newsprint helps keep the interior dry by wicking the moisture out of the poo. I also have a little supplemental heat to help keep things dry in our wet winters.

Been there, Done that.
Just don't use your favorite cutting board, unless you want to buy a new one. I had the rotary cutter cutting strips out of the wood.


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