

8 Years
Feb 14, 2011
north central Indiana
My mouth is watering as i type,the season is right around the corner.Last year was one of the best years i've ever had,i found 50+ pounds.If the weather stays right i'll be pickin blacks in a month
.Anyone else lookin forward to the season?
Last year I found 1 shroom. Hope this year is better! I don't eat them I sell them and get great money for them at the auction center year before last I got $120 an lb. That was the best price ever. I love the hunt and the money but don't like the eating.
Can you share exactly what types you look for and where? Where do you live? I've always wanted to look but can't figure out where. We own over 15 acres - almost all woods so you'd think I should be able to find some somewhere!
there aren't many wild mushroom varieties that we will collect or eat...Morels and a coupe others . accidental poisoning is too easy to do to take any chances . Those people who are professionals and very well trained sometimes even make a mistake......
That's a good price,i sold a little less than half last year and got $55 a lb.

We only have 4 types of edible shrooms,blacks,grays,yellows and peckerheads.I have picked and ate elephant ears before but i have heard they make people sick so i don't pick them any more.

I look for blacks,grays,and yellows,they are all morels.I do find the peckerheads to but if i'm finding morels i usually leave them.I live in north central IN.I hunt my own property and public land and a few other private woods.They love growing around dead and dying elms,certain types of oak trees.But you will find them anywhere,9 times out of 10 they will be around a dead elm.
A friend of mine is taking me morrel hunting this year! We can take what we find to our university extension office to make sure of what they are before we eat them. They will ID mushrooms for free.

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