Sick 20 month old Easter egger


8 Years
Apr 11, 2013
I have 5 hens in my backyard flock. One started acting uncomfortable about 4 weeks ago, she laid 3-4 rubber eggs, and has since stopped laying. She is not molting. Since then she has seemed mopey, she eats grass from the yard, drinks little, and her stools are watery, with the occasional bloody show. I took a good look at her today, her feet are cold, the other hens have warm feet. Her comb is darker and almost ashen looking. Her crop is large (late afternoon) and soft. She does not appear to have mites. No sneezing or labored breathing. She comes out and wanders the yard daily scratching, albeit slowly.
How can I tell if she has worms, coccidiosis, or something else? I really don't want to visit the vet,but I hate to see her suffer. Am hoping someone can guide me. The other hens are as healthy as can be after 4 weeks of this. Thanks in advance...
I haven't gotten any responses from my first post, but if anyone reads this and has ideas I would love feedback. The chicken I wrote about above is still going. I broke down and took her to the vet. $150 later and we had a diagnosis of oviduct infection. After 10 days of meds, she is still the same. I can not justify bringing her back to the vet. It is so expensive. Still she has no appetite for food, she eats bugs and grass in the yard. She laid rubber eggs about 6 weeks ago, and now doesn't lay at all. This is coming to the point ot decidding if I should put her down, or let her keep moping around the yard. Is it bad to experiment with worming meds?

I am so very sorry that you did not get any response to your first post...what medication did the Vet prescribe for her oviduct infection ?

I am by no means an expert on oviduct infections but it seems as if she may have internal laying issues or it may be that due to her laying soft shell/rubber eggs that one may have broken inside her thus giving her an internal infection...did the Vet prescribe any calcium supplements to alleviate the problem with her laying eggs that are not normal?

Blood in stools can be due to cocci...she may just have been shedding internal lining ( which is normal )..I would personally not give her meds for worm infestations at the moment as her health is not good...

If she were mine I would give her a calcium supplement i.e. Vitamin D3 and also Selenium Vitamin E...both are found in eggs and tuna can buy "Rooster Booster" at your local tractor supply...I do so hope she improves....
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