I just lost a buff orpington to wry neck? Three days later, one of my very active, small Polish is not her/his self. His neck seems a little off, not like the Orp.(limp and dragging), only slightly tilted but not sure if its normal with all his top feathers. His top feathers have the shafts covered in the hard white protective shells (like my parrots when they molt-?normal?) He is not eating and not drinking as much as usual. I have been putting him out in a run the last two days, (coop is not ready and storms require i bring in last night) with his two other buddies and small silkies (sep. from larger chickens) and he is not playing, jumping, or walking around. Just drinks a little and then lays down. I brought him back into the house and he just sits on my lap (also not normal -he does not like to be held). I gave him some bit E/Selenium by mouth and he ate a little of his food for me if I held it to his beak. He is not shivering, no drainage, did have two black poos (but not sure if this is his normal or not). From what I can see of his eye, they appear fine, closed when he is resting, which seems to be most of the time now. I have one reg water out for him, and one with chicken probiotics and save a chick. Is there anything else I can give him. he is still on non-med chick starter. any suggestion or comments appreciated. new chicken person here