sick birds infectious or weather change?


11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
Both of my barred rock girls eyes look like this:


I have an EE that has bubbles in it's eyes one little silkie chick that is wheezing and has both eyes shut. What is going on? I just put Sulmet in their water, was this the right thing to do?
is another respiratory disease. Symptoms are swollen eyes, runny nostrils and eyes, with a particularly foul smell. Birds often show stained wings where they repeatedly wipe their eyes. This disease usually occurs when there is cold weather, (change of seasons is a high risk time) dusty conditions and in high pollen seasons. Antibiotics are used to cure this disease, however recovered birds remain carriers and will become continually reinfected. Some breeds and strains of chickens seem to be more susceptible than others. "

from the Happy Hen House website.

Perhaps you should search for infectious coryza and see if the symptoms sound similar. Good luck!

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