Okay, so I have a two week old chick that has a history of pasty butt. A friend brought her home from a feed store after she was getting picked on by other chicks. She had her and helped the chick recover for a week and a half or so - although she still has pasty butt. She gave her to me yesterday to eventually join my flock - but I haven't dealt with pasty butt before. After cleaning it last night she laid down and has not got up again (she was hopping around fine when I brought her home). It kind of looks like she may be constipated - she isn't pooping very much. To try and perk her up I mixed powdered probiotics and electrolytes with her water and gave her hard boiled egg yolk with a little yogurt mixed in. She ate and drank some today and pooped a couple times, but has not gotten on her feet. Her feet are curled underneath her and she refuses to use them much. I was also given two other chicks who are doing just fine. I understand the intestinal issues are common, and they often don't make it, but she's been through so much and I want to do the best I can for her. Has anyone had a similar situation where the chick pulled through? How long do they take to perk back up? Are her legs injured or do they do that when they're hurting? Is there anything else I can be doing for her? Sorry for the lengthy post, but I'm really not sure where to go from here. Thanks for any help!