Sick chick or not?


7 Years
Jun 25, 2017
New to the chick world. I have 4 pullets. They are about 3-4 weeks old. They are active but I have been noticing diarrhea in the pen (dark brown color) I am feeding medicated starter feed, I notice from time to time to of them looked kinda ruffled feathers and off to themselves. I was reading on some other forums some people say give ACV and probiotics and others said corid. Should I do both? Is plain yogurt or cottage cheese ok for a probiotic for them being young still? And is ACV ok for chicks? Should I give them corid? Thanks in advance
First, there is a WIDE RANGE of poop that is normal for chickens. Take a look at the chicken poop chart, bookmark it, you will want to look at it 100 more times in the next year ;)

Other things to consider. Have your chicks had any treats other than their commercial feed? This could certainly impact what their dropping look like. Are the chicks otherwise acting normally? Corid only helps with coccidiosis, so it may or may not help with your chicks. If they have been on medicated starter, the "medicated" part is specifically to help prevent coccidiosis. If they have been indoors in a brooder they may not have really been exposed to much cocci. What I'm getting at is that I'm not necessarily convinced that coccidiosis is the problem.
They have only been in a brooder, no outside still too cold here in southern Pennsylvania. I have given them a little tomato last week. Which I figured was possible cause of diarrhea but wasn’t sure about the ruffled feathers occasionally and if Apple cider vinegar and yogurt were ok to give. I did give them some electrolyte and vitamin water additive from TSC the 1st week.

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