Sick chicken. Dying?

My Bagurks

Sep 3, 2020
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Today, when I got home from work and checked on the chickens, one of my Rhode Island Reds were laying on the side of the coop. At first, I thought she was dead but when I went over she opened her eyes.

Doesn’t seem to have the energy to pick up her head.
Isn’t trying to adjust her feet. Just laying there.
She will open her eyes a little bit.
She’s drooling. It looks a little cloudy.
Her tongue is pale but comb has usual color.
Won’t take any water or food if offered.
Seems to have labored breathing.
No other chickens have any issues. All energetic as usual and eating.

She had some poop on her butt feathers so I cleaned it off looking for any obvious issues. Her belly seems swollen and I feel something hard in her lower belly. Doesn’t feel like an egg though but hard to tell.

The second picture is a little hard to tell. Her butts still a little wet and there’s some dried poop that I’m trying to get off. Nothing is resorting seems irritated and I have checked thoroughly for injury and found none. Help please.
Has the weather been very hot or very cold? This sounds a lot like hyperthermia or hypothermia. Try giving her luke warm Gatoraid or a cup of water with a teapoon of sugar and and a pinch of salt by syringe into her beak or dip her beak in it to see if she will drink on her own. This should revive her if her issue is hot or cold related.

It could be a stuck egg. If so, there may be a hard egg you can feel just above or below the vent. However, very often, a stuck egg cannot be felt because it's either shell-less or collapsed. In the even this is her issue, give her a calcium tablet immediately and it will encourage contractions to expel the egg.

You may safely treat for both issues at the same time. This is the calcium I recommend since it is absorbed quickest. Give one whole tablet directly into her beak. She will automatically swallow without any problem.

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