sick chicken walking sidways


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 9, 2013
Imperial, missouri
Maryland is a RIR about three years old. She is going through a hard molt. Almost bald but feathers is coming back. She is also wobbling like she is drunk.She is a trooper. Still getting on the roost and eating with the other girls even tho they like to peck at her. We live in Missouri and the weather here is crazy, 70 one day and the next it will be 30 degrees. I am not sure if that is a factor or not. Our other 13 chickens seem fine. We found a possum in the hen house a few days ago. Does anyone know if she could have cough something from that possum?
Should I bring her in? She is in so much pain with her feathers that we try not to touch her.
Sometimes they do walk like that during a molt. I wouldn't handle her, I would just leave her alone, up their protein or put them on a feather fixer to hasten the molt, it has been a odd year as far as molting, I still have one finishing up too, usually they would be finished by November. I have upped my protein and I now have some beginning to lay again.
Thank you for your reply. Maryland is getting better. Her feathers is slowly coming in. She is not walking drunk or as drunk. I can tell she is still in a lot of pain with all those feathers coming in. I have been feeding her dried worms and tuna. The feathers are returning quick. Thank you again for replying. It made me feel better knowing this happens once in a while and there is nothing wrong with her. Its hard for me to see an animal in pain when i can not help.
Happy to hear she's feeling better, it is rough to see them so uncomfortable, very soon she will feel better and have fresh new feathers which must feel good.

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