Sick Chicken


5 Years
Oct 1, 2014
One of my church's chickens is sick.
She is a 4-5 month old Americana.

She has a crusted over nose and is coughing- wet sounding. I can hear her breathing. She has diarrhea and is very skinny.

Her left eye is closed and the area around it feels soft to the touch.
I can bring her to my vet but I know that she will want to refer to here as how to treat her.
I bought her from a breeder in Western GA about two weeks ago and she was not showing any signs of sickness at the time.
Also I was told that someone else may have given her a Tylenol- we do NOT give this medication to dogs and cats so I'm assuming that it's toxic to chickens as well.

I noticed some swelling under her left eye. Maybe lymph node infection? I'm not an expert on that subject, but it could be

I recently delt with a respiratory disease in my flock. From the research I did, the individual diseases are very hard to diagnose, and some can be deadly. As long as she is eating and drinking, then I wouldn't worry to much.
Antibiotics and probiotics: Antibiotics kill all bacteria in ones gut, good or bad, and probiotics add good bacteria. Adding antibiotics to the water and probiotics to the food, or vice versa, will give her immune system a boost and help her fight whatever she has.

Hope she gets better!
The swelling under her eye is an abscess. I felt around it some more and was able to drain most of it. I wiped her beak down to get the crust off. Gave her SQ fluids and a Tylan injection.

She will be in a warm place tonight and I'm hoping that that's all it is.
Yes, the abcess was probably the root of the problem. Chickens are very resilient, so unless an infection gets to her brain she'll probably make it

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