More than half of my flock is sick (6-8 out 10 birds) and it's the same thing that they get sick with every time year around. They get lethargic, sleepy, tired, lose weight, personality change, stopped laying, and feathers sometimes coming out. I know that whatever they have is deadly because I lost my favorite hen to it (she was just barely 1year). It started when they were about 1 year 2 months old and has been becoming more and more regular. I got chickens 2 years ago this May, and I know that them being sick so often isn't normal; I've gotten to the point to where I'm starting to expect someone to be sick or one day come out to the coop and find someone dead. These girls are my babies and are more pets than not each one having a name, please help!
We can't afford to go to the vets' with them and my parents can't afford expensive treatments.
We can't afford to go to the vets' with them and my parents can't afford expensive treatments.