Sick chickens


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Santa Cruz

I have two birds that have a case of the rattles they are also sneezing. Their breathing is not fun sounding. They are eating and drinking fine. Stool seems normal as well.

Also my young blue cochin roo? has been walking quite funny. He picks up his feet almost up to his chest to walk. What the heck is that? I did have to clean his back side the other day and trimmed a few feathers from the impacted poop on his butt. Just the ends though.

What the heck is happening
Well, your chickens probably have a cold, just like you or I can get. If you can, put some duramayacin in their drinking water, along with some electyrolites. Ideally, it would be great if you had a place to isolate them from the others.

Now, the rooster is a mystery....does he also have the cold symptoms? Perhaps his balance is off if his head is all stuffed up.......I am guessing here....

I have isolated my sick chickens and placed the good ones in the clean pen. It was ready for my babies in two week. I did find a bit of mold in the hen house from a roof leak. That will be my project today. I gave them all vits so hope that helps.
Well, good luck to you! Hope they get better. One little trick I use is that I run a vicks vaporizer on my hens with a cold. Sounds silly, but I brought one back from near death once by doing that.

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