Sick Golden Laced Wyandotte


Mar 29, 2015
Hey all,

My girl is sick. Honestly I've no idea what's wrong. The only clue I have is her stance. She's all puffed up, wings down, tail down. She is still eating and drinking. Just puffed up and not moving much at all. I gave her some Fish Mox, and left her with food and water. She's in our bathroom to stay warm. When I brought her in, i noticed her butt had stinky wet poop allllll over. I gave her a bath, cut some butt feathers and cleaned it up. Other than that, I really don't know what it could be. I've ruled out egg binding. Other that that, I just don't know.


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She pooped and I got a picture. It's not an eggy texture at all. Also better pictures of her stance.


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How does her crop feel? Can you pick her up, feel her breastbone area for weight loss and her lower belly under her vent for fullness or swelling? Her condition sounds like she is very weak and sick. How old is she, and has she been laying eggs recently? Can you make sure that she is drinking plenty of fluids, and I would give her some Poultry NutriDrench 2-3 ml daily. Offer some chopped egg or tuna.

If her crop is very full and puffy, she may have a sour crop. In hens over a year or two, they can have reproductive problems. Let us know more info.
She is 2 1/2. Her crop feels fine, no weight loss in the breastbone area. Her vent looks beautiful. However, Her abdomen, or area right past her breastbone, does feel swollen.

As far as laying goes, we have 5 so we're not sure who's been laying but someone has been. 3 of them are 3 1/2 and 2 of them are 2 1/2. They all live together so we're not sure who is currently laying.

She seems fine as she is still highly interested in food and water. The only thing that's weird is her stance and that she isn't moving much. And that she's super puffed up.
I have mostly older chickens from 5 to 7 years old, and although they have mostly been healthy, I have started losing a few now and then to reproductive disorders such as ascites (fluid in the belly,) internal laying, or egg yolk peritonitis. Occasional I see one with a crop problem. They all tend to look puffed up, act weak, and separate themselves. Once they stop eating and drinking, they die or are put down. A necropsy can sometimes diagnose what the problem is.
I would put on a disposable glove, and insert a finger into her bent to check for a stuck egg just in case.
Will do. Should I put vaseline or preparation h or something on the gloved finger first?

I had talked to you on a previous thread about another one of my girls. My buff. We werent sure exactly what the problem was, but I gave her Fish Mox for 10 days and she did end up feeling better, but never went back to laying. Can they survive from ascites, internal laying or EYP?
You can lubricate your finger, but it isn’t always necessary since the bent is usually moist. No need for prep H though. Antibiotics could help, but most sources say they won’t cure it. I have had hens live for a couple of years who had a few symptoms. A lot depends on if they eat and drink, and can get around. Mine get to where they either won’t eat, or sit around and get picked on. Good luck.

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