Sick hen, soft egg, egg yolk coming out bottom


7 Years
Feb 14, 2017
San Antonio, Texas
Hi, Sorry to be graphic but that was the scene here this evening. My red hen, see photo, has been fine until this evening, or maybe today, I was not with them today as it rained this morning and I was out this afternoon. I went out this evening to pick up poop and hang with the hens, and Big Red did not coming running to me as she usually does. She was quiet, and standing still and alone. Her poop was runny and had some bubbles in it. She is normally a good layer, lays regularly first thing in the morning, laid one this morning. Last week she laid a huge, double-yolked egg. This evening, when it started to get dark, she did not go to the coop, so I picked her up and put her in the hen house. She came out immediately and crouched down in the grass and laid a soft egg. She immediately ate the soft shell and some of the yolk and white, the others were eating the yolk also. Then there was yolk and white coming out of her behind. I looked online and saw that because of the soft shell she might be deficient in calcium (the feed store guy said there is oyster shell in the laying feed and I didn't need to supplement), so I broke up a fresh egg shell and she ate most of it ravenously. When it started to get really dark, I put her back in the hen house and she went up on the roost and stayed. But the others must have been plucking at her rear, because there was a scuffle, but they finally settled down. I can't think of anything different today except the rain this morning, and I gave her a few strawberry tops this morning. My neighbor who gave me Red said he has fed them to her before and no problem.

Sorry to ramble on, wanted to include everything I thought was relevant. I am fairly new to having hens and this is my first post on here. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions! I will try to get her in to a vet in the morning, but just want to do whatever I can in the meantime. Just worried, I guess. I love my hens. IMG_1039.JPG
Hi @oakhavenmama :frow Welcome To BYC

How is Big Red doing?

Providing oyster shell free choice is always a good idea for laying hens. They will take what they need:) Even though layer feeds have calcium, usually it is not enough.

It sound like she may have had a "laying glitch" due to lack of calcium. Hopefully this is a one time thing and she won't have more problems, as long as you provide the extra calcium.

There's not a lot you can do about the egg yolk and white coming out of the vent - sometimes it can cause irritation and infection, but usually this is a wait and see. This can be a sign of things to come - internal laying/reproductive disorders, but if she expelled the shell, yolk and white, hopefully all will be well.

I have a hen that does this occasionally - this is what I do -offer extra calcium (in addition to the oyster shell and what's in the layer pellets) - I crush a TUMS and sprinkle it on some chopped hard boiled egg - my hen loves it. I also give her a direct dose of Poultry Nutri-Drench (1cc per 3lbs.) The extra calcium helps with contractions, so hopefully she can get the soft egg out. Nutri-Drench is quick uptake vitamins that give her a little boost. For mine, she is having troubles, but has not been lethargic. I'm beginning to feel a slight swelling in the abdomen, so time is most likely ticking for her. She's never been a great egg layer and her record is spotty at best - but she's a favorite so I'll pet her along for a while to see how it goes.

Terri Golson explains it a bit more eloquently than I can:
The only thing I would add to Wyorp Rock's excellent post is that it might be a good idea to give her a bath in warm water to clean any egg/poop off her vent/feathers if she is soiled as it will attract attention from flock mates and flies at this time of year. Use a little unscented soap and gentle massage to break down any clumps. I imagine in Texas it is pretty hot at the moment, so probably no need to do more than towel dry and it can help to smear some Vaseline on the skin below the vent to prevent further soiling and protect the skin.
Dear Wyorprock and rebrascora,

Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions :)

With intense scrutiny I read about the spa treatment and performed it as best I could on BR.

Before the treatment she was better than last night but still hanging alone and in a corner of my patio. At least she was cooing and clucking again!

She wasn't crazy about the bath or maybe it was me holding her. She tried to escape but I brought her back and let her soak. I massaged her a little too. Then I dried her with a towel and blow dryer and tried to give her the olive oil on bread. She ate mealworms soaked in oil instead. Then I let her go. She is in the nest box now and vocalizing. She doesn't sound distressed.

She definitely looks cleaner and better! This morning there was a lot of yolk on the floor of the hen house but after her bath she pooped a semi normal stool. No bubbles but slightly soft.

Maybe she got into something that made her sick yesterday? Will re read your suggestions because I recall some beneficial supplement mentioned, so will try to locate some this afternoon.

Your assistance and caring are invaluable. Thank you again. ❤
Wanted to add that giving a bath gave me a chance to look for mites and I didn't see any. So that was a relief. They preen sometimes and I don't know how much is normal so I wondered if they could have mites. Hope everybody's chickens are healthy and happy and y'all enjoy a beautiful weekend.
Usually if they are passing egg matter, that is a laying problem, nothing to do with getting into something.

Ensuring your hens have a source of calcium and not relying on just their feed will hopefully go a long way in correcting laying difficulties.
Big Red is back to normal and feeling great. Her poop is actually firmer than it was before. Today I bought oyster shells and Rooster Booster, the store did not have Nutri-Drench. Happy to report that the oyster shells are very popular, interestingly, with two other hens, not as much with Red and Little Brownie. But they all seem happy and I am exceedingly grateful for your comments. Wyorp Rock, I hope your failing hen does not suffer too much. Take care!
Big Red is back to normal and feeling great. Her poop is actually firmer than it was before. Today I bought oyster shells and Rooster Booster, the store did not have Nutri-Drench. Happy to report that the oyster shells are very popular, interestingly, with two other hens, not as much with Red and Little Brownie. But they all seem happy and I am exceedingly grateful for your comments. Wyorp Rock, I hope your failing hen does not suffer too much. Take care!

I'm glad to hear Big Red is doing well!

I just leave oyster shell available, they will take what they need.

Thank you.
Dear Wyorp Rock,
I spoke too soon this morning, Red is not normal. She passed yolk and white again last night in the henhouse. I gave her the spa treatment again this morning and she was ok after, not great. She didn't poop afterwards like she did yesterday. I don't think I have seen her poop all day and she seems to be straining to pass poop or egg. She also lays down with her tail feathers up in the air. I am sorry to bother you again tonight but I am concerned about her. Do hens ever become unblocked by themselves or will this require a vet visit? Hope I can find one, assuming she will be ok in the morning.

A side note, two of my hens laid eggs with very thick shells today, thanks to the oyster shells.
I'm sorry to hear she is having troubles again:hugs
How is she?

Did you happen to feel inside her vent about 1" to see if there was an egg stuck?

Do the best you can to make her comfortable. She may benefit from another soaking and for you feeling for an egg. Try to keep her hydrated - not drinking can make it worse.

If you have a vet that can examine her that would be best.

Sometimes a soft shell may be inside and it can take a while for them to pass it - so hopefully she will expel it.

I'm happy to hear your other 2hens egg shell quality has improved.

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