sick hen


5 Years
Jan 17, 2015
I have a RIR hen that's acting sick. She was given to me 3 yrs ago as a fully mature hen so she's at least 4yrs old but could be older. She's been one of my best hens. Good layer and very docile. A couple weeks ago I noticed she was hanging out in the coop alone while everyone else was out foraging. She had a messy vent and was walking stiff legged. Her vent has mostly cleared up and she's not hanging out in the coop any more but she just acts stiff. Stiff like someone with bad knees. I'm sure she's not laying. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be wrong with her and what I can do for her?
There are many, many things it could be. So start by ruling out the most common and easily fixed: Has she ever been dewormed? Check her over carefully for lice or mites and check her body condition while your at it. See if she feels thin or if she has any swelling in her lower belly. This could be something as simple as a worm overload or it could be something serious like cancer or internal laying issues. Has she still been a regular layer?
Thanks cafarmgirl, I'm pretty sure she's not laying. She's never been wormed that I know of. I'll pick up some dewormer, even if that's not the problem it certainly can't hurt. whatever the issue is she seems to be getting better. A little more active now, vent not so messy and poop getting back to normal. But she still walks like her leggs are stiff.

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