Sick toddler cuteness


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Ok, I am home sick because I had PRK. The baby (16 months) has had a fever since yesterday morning, and is home with me. He has a Drs appt this afternoon. I have been managing his fever with tylenol/motrin, but occasionally it spikes and he gets cranky/sleepy, like right now.

He wants to be held, but he wants to lay down. If I move, he wakes up and cries. He fusses if he isn't holding my phone---which currently has my work phone forwarded to it. If I take the phone, he'll wake up and cry. Trust me, I have tried.

SO, right now he is mostly asleep, laying down, holding my phone up to his ear. I can't move to get the camera. I can't take the phone, to call work, to unforward my phone. It is only a matter of time until someone calls my work desk, get forwarded to my cell phone, and scares the bejeezus out of the sick, sleeping baby.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick..
Oh, my word! You don't even need your camera for that one. The mental picture you just gave us is priceless!

Here's hoping work doesn't need you for anything until after he wakes up. I don't suppose you have an old phone lying around somewhere that he could hold instead of your active one?

i wish, the boys have broken them all. Even if I did, it would be like indian jones trying to switch them out.
aww, poor baby and poor mama! my kids are like that when they are ill too, they all want to be held but dont want to be touched and the only place they sleep is sitting on my lap wit a head on my chest.
Slinky- apparently you don't have boys? or maybe boys completely obsessed with electronics/chickens/trucks?

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