- Apr 28, 2014
- 239
- 5
- 73
I have a 3 month old barred rock pullet. She is pretty small compared to the other chickens her age.
She has been acting different for about a week - walks kind of slow, keeps to herself - but just within the past two days it has gotten worse.
Yesterday, I let them out to free range (17 total in pen all within a week or two of each other) and noticed she was under coop laying on her side asleep. Her eyes opened when I walked up to her so I picked her up and put her out of the run on some grass. She just stood there for a minute hunched up, feathers kind of low to the ground, and then she would peck at the grass and then went to sleep again. So I put her back in coop.
We decided to separate her and start her on antibiotics to be safe. Today, she is laying down and will not stand up. She does not open her eyes to noise like she did yesterday. It is like she is in a deep sleep. She did open her eyes when my husband picked her up though.
What could be wrong with her & what can we do??
We feed a mix of purina medicated starter/grower and dumor starter/grower. They always have plenty of food. And we let them free range supervised for about 30 min or so a day.
They have access to grit and water at all times. We keep wheat straw in the run and coop to minimize flies from droppings.
Also, I did notice yesterday she had runny droppings. Not strange in color, no blood.
She has been acting different for about a week - walks kind of slow, keeps to herself - but just within the past two days it has gotten worse.
Yesterday, I let them out to free range (17 total in pen all within a week or two of each other) and noticed she was under coop laying on her side asleep. Her eyes opened when I walked up to her so I picked her up and put her out of the run on some grass. She just stood there for a minute hunched up, feathers kind of low to the ground, and then she would peck at the grass and then went to sleep again. So I put her back in coop.
We decided to separate her and start her on antibiotics to be safe. Today, she is laying down and will not stand up. She does not open her eyes to noise like she did yesterday. It is like she is in a deep sleep. She did open her eyes when my husband picked her up though.
What could be wrong with her & what can we do??
We feed a mix of purina medicated starter/grower and dumor starter/grower. They always have plenty of food. And we let them free range supervised for about 30 min or so a day.
They have access to grit and water at all times. We keep wheat straw in the run and coop to minimize flies from droppings.
Also, I did notice yesterday she had runny droppings. Not strange in color, no blood.