Silki went blind, Why?


9 Years
Mar 25, 2010
Eatonville, Washington
I have a four month old silki. 2 days ago I went out to feed and she was on the floor kinda just moving her head slow back and forth. I noticed the eyes were shut. I thought she was sick so i pulled her from the pen. I put her in a pen and she didnt really move much. I tried to give water but she just kept moving her head slow. Eyes were open but she didnt move until I picked her up and then she would move very slow. I just went out and put her beak in water and she started to bob for it but would miss and hit the floor. I moved my fingers in front of her and she did not look at them at all so I picked her up and noticed a kinda cloudy blue eye on both sides so I realized she was blind. It just happened so tell me how? My other silkies are a dark blue eye that is clear and there is no doubt she is blind. Any ideas what to do or if it is a temperary thing?

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